Disclaimer the contents of this Fanfiction story is not my own property also may contain adult related material thanks.
Story Prologue
In the bustling city of Tokyo, where laughter echoed through the streets, Mikan Tachibana, a high school student, found herself entangled in an unexpected adventure. One day, the eccentric 8th Doctor, a Time Lord from Gallifrey, became a volunteer teacher at Mikan High School, introducing the students to the mysteries of ancient Egypt.
As the Doctor delved into the wonders of pharaohs and pyramids, Mikan and her family became intrigued by the charismatic Time Lord's teachings. One whimsical afternoon, the Doctor, with his iconic blue police box TARDIS, whisked the Tachibana family away on a journey through time to witness the construction of the ancient pyramids.
Utilizing his sonic screwdriver and Time Lord knowledge, the Doctor revealed the secrets of pyramid construction, using frequencies to move colossal stone blocks. The Tachibana family marveled at the spectacle, their everyday life taking an unexpected turn.
Little did they know that this adventure marked the beginning of a series of comical escapades, where time-traveling lessons collided with the humorous chaos of Atashinchi living. As the Tachibanas navigated through history with the Doctor, they found themselves entangled in hilarious situations, blending the ordinary with the extraordinary in this whimsical Japanese comedy manga series.
Act 1 The Doctor is so Fascinating Mother
In the cozy Tachibana home in Tokyo, Mikan burst through the door, her excitement palpable. She found her mother, Okaa-san Tachibana, engrossed in folding laundry while watching TV.
Mikan: (breathless) "Okaa-san, you won't believe what happened at school today! Our history teacher, the Doctor, is absolutely amazing! He taught us about ancient Egypt, and it's so fascinating!"
Okaa-san Tachibana looked up from her laundry, curious. She momentarily forgot about the rice ball in her mouth as she spoke.
Okaa-san Tachibana: "Really? Ancient Egypt, you say? Tell me more, Mikan!"
As Mikan enthusiastically recounted the Doctor's time-traveling lessons, her mother's interest grew. However, in the midst of her excitement, Okaa-san Tachibana accidentally spat out a bit of her rice ball, much to Mikan's surprise.
Mikan: (laughing) "Okaa-san, you got a bit carried away there!"
At that moment, Mikan's younger brother entered the living room, drawn by the commotion.
Brother/Yuzuhiko "What's going on? Why is rice flying around?"
Mikan: "I was just telling Okaa-san about the Doctor's amazing history lesson! He even promised to take us to ancient Egypt in the TARDIS!"
Brother: (wide-eyed) "No way! I want to hear all about it!"
As the Tachibana family gathered in the living room, laughter echoed through their home, setting the stage for more comedic moments in the unfolding Atashinchi Adventures.
Act 2 A Father's conversation with the Doctor
At Noki San Bar and Grill in downtown Tokyo, Mikan's father, excitedly learning about the Doctor's extraordinary teachings, decided to extend an invitation for dinner. The atmosphere was lively, with patrons enjoying the vibrant ambiance of the bar.
Mikan's Father: (raising his beer) "Doctor, your lessons have really sparked Mikan's interest in history! How about we celebrate with a drink?"
The Doctor, always up for an adventure, raised his glass in agreement.
Doctor: "Cheers! I'm delighted to hear that. History is a magnificent journey!"
As they clinked glasses, a plate of jelly bellies appeared on the bar, adding a quirky touch to their conversation.
Mikan's Father: (sipping his beer) "You know, Doctor, I'm a big fan of history, especially ancient Japanese history. Ever tried our traditional sake or shochu?"
Doctor: (smirking) "Ah, the exquisite flavors of your world! I've sampled a fair share of them in my time."
Mikan's Father: "But how do you know so much about Japanese history? You're not from around here, are you?"
Doctor: (leaning in with a mysterious smile) "You could say that, my friend. I'm not just a history enthusiast; I'm an alien time-traveler. I've witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations across the universe."
Mikan's Father: (confused) "Wait, what? An alien time-traveler? Are you pulling my leg?"
Doctor: (grinning) "Not at all! I'm the Doctor, a Time Lord from Gallifrey. Time and space are my playground."
Mikan's Father looked perplexed for a moment, then burst into laughter.
Mikan's Father: "Well, Doctor, you certainly know how to spin a good tale! Whether you're a time-traveling alien or just a charismatic history buff, let's drink to that!"
He signaled the bartender for another round of beers, and they continued their conversation, the Doctor weaving tales of ancient Japanese history and Mikan's Father enjoying the unexpected company.
Mikan's Father: "You know, Doctor, Mikan's been raving about your lessons. Why not join us for dinner tomorrow? My wife's a fantastic cook, and we'd love to have you over."
Doctor: (grinning) "Dinner, you say? Well, I never turn down an invitation. I'm quite curious to experience the culinary delights of this time period!"
Mikan's Father: "It's a plan, then! Tomorrow, at our place."
With that, they continued their conversation, discussing time, history, and the peculiar delights of the Tachibana family. Little did they know, this dinner invitation would be the beginning of more whimsical escapades in the heart of Tokyo, blending history, humor, and the unpredictable charm of the Doctor.
Act 3 Father's Home
Mikan's father stumbled through the front door, a waft of delicious Japanese takeaway trailing behind him, the Tachibana family gathered in the living room, intrigued by his drunken state.
Mikan: "Otosan, what's going on? Why are you so excited?"
Mikan's Father: (grinning widely) "Guess what, everyone! The Doctor, that time-traveling alien teacher, is coming over for dinner!"
Mikan's eyes widened in surprise, and her curiosity was instantly piqued.
Mikan: "The Doctor? Really? What were you guys talking about?"
Mikan's Father: (laughing) "Oh, just ancient Japanese history and some wild tales of his time-traveling adventures. He's quite the character!"
As Mikan absorbed this unexpected news, her mother, Okaa-san Tachibana, overheard and stormed into the room, clearly displeased.
Okaa-san Tachibana: "Dinner? The Doctor? But I haven't gone grocery shopping yet! How am I supposed to prepare a decent meal?"
Mikan's Father, still in high spirits, attempted to calm her down.
Mikan's Father: "Calm down, dear. We can go shopping tomorrow. I've got it all sorted, even got some extra cash for you."
Reluctantly, Okaa-san Tachibana sighed, realizing there was no escaping the impending dinner with the eccentric Time Lord.
Meanwhile, Mikan's younger brother chimed in with tales of his own.
Brother: "And you won't believe what happened at school today! You know that crazy teacher? He made the entire class reenact a historical battle. It was chaos!"
As the family shared their evening adventures, a mixture of excitement, chaos, and the promise of an unusual dinner with the Doctor set the stage for another chapter in the Atashinchi Adventures.
Its Bedtime Everyone
As the Tachibana family prepared for bedtime, Okaa-san Tachibana ushered everyone to their rooms with her persistent reminders. The evening settled into a routine, each family member finding their own way to wind down.
Okaa-san Tachibana: "Come on, everyone, it's bedtime. We can't stay up all night."
She then walked out to the apartment balcony, drawn to the mesmerizing hues of the Tokyo sunset. However, her relaxation was interrupted when she spotted the 8th Doctor and a mysterious woman in a black and white suit, dark glasses, and a serious demeanor, presumably Agent M or Molly. They were collecting soil samples from a nearby dog park, casting an enigmatic presence against the fading sunlight.
Meanwhile, Mikan's father, feeling the effects of the night's revelry wearing off, undressed for a hot shower. The brother was already fast asleep, his smartphone on the nightstand playing an ASMR video featuring a middle-aged African American woman from Texas, chewing gum and engrossed in a crossword puzzle book.
As Mikan settled into her bed, a peculiar dream unfolded. In the dream, she found herself in an alternate reality, encountering the 8th Doctor and his former companion, Rose Tyler. The dream wove a tapestry of whimsy and time-traveling wonders, leaving Mikan with a sense of intrigue as she drifted into a night filled with fantastical visions.
Okaa-san Tachibana: (laying out a futon on the bedroom floor) "You won't believe what happened today, dear. I was hanging out on the balcony, enjoying the sunset, when I spotted the Doctor and a mysterious woman. They were collecting soil samples from the dog park."
Father: (raising an eyebrow) "The Doctor again? What's he doing in our neighborhood?"
Okaa-san Tachibana: "Who knows, but it gets crazier. While you were out with Mikan and the Doctor, I had a hilarious time with my friends at Okisaba Spa downtown. You wouldn't believe the shenanigans we got into!"
Father: (grinning) "Oh, do share! I could use a good laugh after today."
Okaa-san Tachibana: "Well, picture this – a mix-up in the sauna room, mistaken identities, and a round of mistaken karaoke. We had the entire spa in fits of laughter."
Father: (laughing) "Sounds like you had quite the day. And with the Doctor coming over for dinner tomorrow, it looks like our adventures are far from over."
Okaa-san Tachibana: "Speaking of dinner, any ideas on what to prepare? I'm not sure what the Doctor likes."
Father: (thoughtful) "Hmm, maybe something exotic? How about a fusion of Japanese and alien cuisine? That should keep him intrigued."
Father: (smirking) "Why not? It's not every day we have a Time Lord over for dinner."
As they continued to discuss dinner plans and the whimsical events of the day, the father playfully pulled Okaa-san Tachibana closer.
Father: "Come on, let's cuddle up. Who knows what surprises tomorrow will bring with the Doctor around."
Okaa-san Tachibana, with a smile, nestled closer to her husband, finding comfort and laughter in the midst of their unconventional and entertaining life.
Act 4 The Next Day
As the morning sun painted the sky, the Tachibana family slowly awakened, each member starting their daily rituals.
In Mikan's room, Okaa-san Tachibana barged in, urging her daughter to clean up.
Okaa-san Tachibana: "Mikan, how many times do I have to tell you to tidy up your room?"
Mikan, under her breath, muttered a bad word, but Okaa-san caught wind of it.
Okaa-san Tachibana: "What did you just say?"
Mikan: "Nothing, Okaa-san. I'll clean up, okay?"
Meanwhile, Mikan's brother eagerly rushed to the kitchen table, anticipating breakfast. However, he quickly realized that Okaa-san hadn't gone shopping yet, so he prepared for school on an empty stomach.
The father, on his way to work, kissed Okaa-san on the cheek and handed her money for grocery shopping.
Father: "Take care of things at home, dear. I'll see you later."
After everyone had left, Okaa-san Tachibana tackled her chores and, in between, joined a Zoom call with her friends to catch up.
Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted her morning routine. To her surprise, it was the 8th Doctor and Agent M.
Okaa-san Tachibana: "Oh, hello! You must be the Doctor and your friend. Come on in!"
She introduced Agent M to the apartment and, to her delight, received a compliment on its cleanliness.
Agent M: "Impressive tidiness you've got here."
The Doctor, however, couldn't help but notice the empty fridge.
Doctor: "Seems like a proper grocery shopping is in order, eh?"
Okaa-san Tachibana, slightly flustered, agreed, and with a nod from the Doctor, they set off on an unexpected grocery shopping adventure for the impending dinner with the eccentric Time Lord.
Act 5 Mikan's Math Class
Mikan: "Good morning, Ms. Mi Chan! How was your time in Bangkok last week?"
Ms. Mi Chan: "Good morning, Mikan! My trip was quite enjoyable, thank you. How about yours?"
Mikan: "It was good, a bit unexpected, though. You won't believe what happened on Wednesday. We had a surprise visit from my history teacher, the Doctor, and we ended up having a lesson on ancient Egypt!"
Ms. Mi Chan: (raising an eyebrow) "a lesson on ancient Egypt? That sounds like quite the adventure. But let's focus on our math class now. I have a surprise for you all."
As Ms. Mi Chan began the class, she caught everyone's attention.
Ms. Mi Chan: "Today, we're going to have a little challenge. I hope you've been keeping up with your math skills. Please, everyone, take a test sheet."
The students exchanged puzzled glances as Ms. Mi Chan distributed the test sheets.
Mikan: (whispering to her friend) "A surprise math test? Seriously? I wasn't ready for this!"
Friend: (whispering back) "I know, right? Ms. Mi Chan always keeps us on our toes."
Ms. Mi Chan: "Don't worry, everyone. It's just a small test to gauge where you stand. Take your time, and do your best."
As the students started working on the unexpected math test, the classroom filled with a focused yet slightly anxious atmosphere. Ms. Mi Chan, with a determined look, watched over her students, ready to assess their mathematical prowess.
Mikan: (whispering to Yukarin) "Yukarin, did you understand how to solve the third question? It's like a maze in there!"
Yukarin: (nodding) "Yeah, it's a bit tricky. I tried starting from the end and working backward. Give it a shot."
Mikan: "Thanks! Shimi-chan, how are you handling this one?"
Shimizu (Shimi-chan): "Oh, this is a real brain-buster, isn't it? I'm trying to break it down step by step. Let's compare notes after the test."
Nobara: (leaning over) "Hey, Mikan, mind if I take a peek at your answers for the fifth question? I'm totally lost."
Mikan: "Sure, but I'm not sure if I'm right. Take a look."
Nobara: "Thanks, Mikan. We're in this together!"
Mie: (looking stressed) "Guys, I'm drowning here. Anyone have a life raft for question two?"
Yukarin: "Let's brainstorm, Mie. I think breaking it down into smaller parts might help."
Mikan: (scribbling furiously) "Okay, let's tackle this one step at a time. We got this!"
As the students collaborated quietly during the math test, the camaraderie among Mikan and her classmates shone through. They faced the challenging equations as a team, determined to conquer the math maze together.
Act 6 The Doctor and the soil Samples onboard the Tardis
Doctor: (examining the soil samples) "Interesting, very interesting! These soil samples from the dog park contain a peculiar milky substance. Quite unusual for Earth, I must say."
Agent M: (scrutinizing the results) "Milky substance? That's not something you find every day. Any idea what it could be?"
Doctor: "Not precisely, but my sonic screwdriver indicates some anomalous energy readings. It's possible we're dealing with a substance not native to this time or place. And look here, the molecular structure seems to be connected to some advanced technology."
Agent M: (raising an eyebrow) "Advanced technology in a dog park's soil? This is getting stranger by the minute. Could it be some sort of alien involvement?"
Doctor: "Possibly, but there's another layer to this mystery. See these government markings? It suggests a connection to a certain organization. The question is, why would they be involved in a seemingly ordinary dog park?"
Agent M: "Maybe it's not as ordinary as it seems. I've encountered similar situations before. Governments tend to have their secrets, Doctor."
Doctor: "Indeed, secrets that we might need to unravel. This calls for a closer inspection. Time to pay a visit to the US government. Care for a trip, Agent M?"
Agent M: (smirking) "Always up for a little adventure, Doctor. Let's uncover the truth behind this mysterious milky substance."
Act 7 The case of the Milky Substance at Science Class
Yuzuhiko Tachibana: (whispering to Yoshi) "Hey, Yoshi, you won't believe what I found on my way to school today. It's this weird milky substance. Look!"
Yoshi: (intrigued) "Whoa, that's bizarre. Where did you find it?"
Yuzuhiko Tachibana: "Near the dog park. It was just lying there on the ground. Thought it was some spilled paint or something, but it doesn't look like it."
Yoshi: "You should show it to Mr. Airi-San in science class. He loves this kind of stuff."
Yuzuhiko Tachibana: "Good idea. I was planning on it. Let's see what he makes of it."
In science class at 10 am, Mr. Airi-San was preparing for the day's lesson when Yuzuhiko approached with a jar containing the mysterious milky substance.
Yuzuhiko Tachibana: "Mr. Airi-San, I found this strange substance near the dog park this morning. Any idea what it might be?"
Mr. Airi-San: (examining the jar) "Well, well, this is quite interesting. Let's take a closer look. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, Yuzuhiko."
As the class continued, Mr. Airi-San delved into the study of the peculiar substance, sparking the curiosity of the students and turning an ordinary science class into an unexpected investigation.
Yuki: (leaning over to Aike) "Hey, Aike, you won't believe what I saw last week on the edge of town. There was this strange blue police box, and a man with a scarf was talking to a woman wearing shades. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie!"
Aike: (raising an eyebrow) "Seriously? A blue police box? You sure you weren't dreaming?"
Yuki: "I swear, I saw it! And the weirdest part is, when I told my parents about it, they totally believed me. Turns out, when they were in high school, they had some encounter with a guy named the 8th Doctor. Ring any bells?"
Aike: (wide-eyed) "The 8th Doctor? That's some time-traveling stuff right there. Your parents had an encounter with him?"
Yuki: "Yeah, it's crazy, right? They said he's this eccentric guy with a knack for getting involved in unusual situations. Maybe he's the same one I saw last week!"
Aike: "This is like a real-life mystery. Maybe we should investigate or something."
Yuki: "Investigate? You watch too many detective shows, Aike. But seriously, who knows what's going on in our little town. Maybe the Doctor is a regular visitor."
Act 8 Dinnertime with the Doctor
The Tachibana family gathered around the dinner table as the 8th Doctor arrived, bearing a tantalizing Gallifreyan dish.
Doctor: "I thought I'd introduce you to the flavors of Gallifrey tonight. It's called Chrono Stew. A dish that transcends time and tastes."
As everyone enjoyed the peculiar yet delightful flavors of the Gallifreyan dish, Mikan couldn't help but share a funny incident from her day.
Mikan: (giggling) "You won't believe what happened in science class today. Yuki saw this strange blue police box on the edge of town last week, and his parents believe they had an encounter with you years ago!"
Doctor: (smirking) "Ah, the tales of the TARDIS. Always making a memorable entrance."
Mikan's Brother, picking at his food, seemed lost in thought.
Brother: "This Chrono Stew is alright, I guess."
Okaa-san Tachibana: "Eat up, dear. It's not every day we get to try dishes from other planets."
As the conversation continued, filled with laughter and the occasional glance at the peculiar dish before them, the Tachibana family savored not just the Gallifreyan flavors but also the unexpected charm the Doctor brought into their lives.
After the satisfying meal, the Doctor, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, announced to the Tachibana family, "How about a little weekend getaway to ancient Egypt? Pack your belongings, and we'll be off!"
Excitement and a hint of panic filled the air as Okaa-san Tachibana and the others rushed to their rooms to prepare for the unexpected journey. Meanwhile, the Doctor, using his trusty sonic screwdriver, materialized the TARDIS right in the middle of the living room, startling everyone.
Okaa-san Tachibana, upon seeing the time machine appear out of nowhere, gasped and fainted. The father quickly rushed to her side.
Father: "What in the world just happened?"
Doctor: "Oh, just a bit of timey-wimey magic, I assure you. She'll be fine."
With a wave of his sonic screwdriver, the Doctor revived Okaa-san Tachibana, who blinked, disoriented.
Okaa-san Tachibana: "What... where are we?"
The brother, curious, discovered the Doctor's pet robot dog and couldn't contain his fascination.
Brother: "Whoa, what's this robotic dog thing? It's awesome!"
Doctor: "Ah, that's K-9. Quite the companion, isn't he?"
Mikan, exploring the vast interior of the TARDIS, bombarded the Doctor with questions.
Mikan: "How does this thing work? Is it bigger on the inside? Where else have you traveled?"
Doctor: (smirking) "Ah, Mikan, so many questions! The TARDIS is a marvel, indeed. And yes, it is, in fact, bigger on the inside. The wonders of time and space await!"
As the Tachibana family adjusted to the surreal experience of being inside the TARDIS, the Doctor, ever the eccentric guide, prepared them for a weekend adventure through the ages. To be continued....
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