Alternate Earth reality #33,766 In the year 1955, the world was different from what we know today. It was a time when magic was not only real but also prevalent in everyday life. Ogres, trolls, and elves were not creatures of myth and legend but coexisted with humans in a society that had learned to embrace diversity.
However, not all humans were open-minded. Some were prejudiced against the ogres due to their unsavory nature, which was considered repulsive by many. The ogres were often treated with disdain and subjected to discrimination that prevented them from enjoying the same rights and privileges as other Earth races.
Despite the challenges they faced, the ogres refused to remain silent. They banded together to fight for their basic rights and demand to be treated as equals. They formed a grassroots movement called "Ogres Lives Matter," which aimed to raise awareness of the plight of their people and promote the idea that all beings, regardless of their race or appearance, deserved to be treated with respect and dignity.
Their struggle was not an easy one. They faced opposition from those who believed that ogres were not worthy of the same rights as humans. But the ogres remained resilient and continued to fight, knowing that their cause was just and that they deserved to be treated as equals.
As the 21st century approached, the ogres' fight for equality gained momentum. The movement had grown in size and strength, and their voices were finally being heard. Although their journey was far from over, the ogres remained steadfast in their resolve to achieve true equality and ensure that their place in society was not defined by their appearance but by their character and contributions to the world.
The Sherland Court Building Downtown Sherland April 2nd, 1952,10am
Breegle the Ogre
Judge Clara Thomas: Good afternoon, Mr. Kogais. Please have a seat.
Gerot the Ogre
Barag Kogais: (growls) Why am I even here? I want justice for my brother! That human killed him!
Judge Clara Thomas: Yes, I understand that you are grieving for your brother's death. However, we need to go through a fair and just trial to determine the facts and the appropriate course of action.
Barag Kogais: (pounds the table) Fair? Just? That human killed my brother in cold blood! He deserves to die!
Judge Clara Thomas: Mr. Kogais, please calm down. I understand that this is an emotional time for you, but we cannot allow outbursts in the courtroom. Now, can you tell me what happened the night your brother was killed?
Barag Kogais: My brother Gerot was at Tollards Bar with some friends when that human Toller Whitley walked in. They got into an argument, and Tollar pulled out a gun and shot my brother!
Judge Clara Thomas: I see. And were you present at the bar when this happened?
Barag Kogais: No, I wasn't there. But my brother's friends saw everything.
Judge Clara Thomas: Very well. We will hear from them in due time. Now, Mr. Whitley, do you deny that you shot and killed Mr. Gerot Kogais?
Toller Whitley: No, Your Honor. I did shoot him, but it was in self-defense. He and his friends were threatening me, and I feared for my life.
Barag Kogais: (interrupts) That's a lie! My brother would never threaten anyone! He was a good man!
Judge Clara Thomas: Mr. Kogais, I will not tolerate interruptions. Please let Mr. Whitley speak. Now, Mr. Whitley, can you provide any evidence to support your claim of self-defense?
Tollar Whitley: Yes, Your Honor. There were multiple witnesses at the bar who saw what happened. They can attest to the fact that I acted in self-defense.
Judge Clara Thomas: Very well. We will hear from those witnesses shortly. Mr. Kogais, I understand your frustration, but we must allow the legal process to take its course. We will hear all the evidence and make a fair and just decision based on the facts presented to us.
Lunchtime Court case chit chat 12pm
Judge Clara Thomas: Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your lunch. As you know, we are here to discuss the case of Gerot Kogais, who was killed at Tollards Bar last week. I would like to get your opinions on the case so far.
Tally B: Your Honor, I have to say that I find the case very perplexing. It seems like there was a lot of tension between Gerot and Toller Whitley, and things just boiled over.
Dale M: I agree, Your Honor. It's clear that Gerot had a short fuse, and Toller may have just pushed him too far.
Walter K: But does that excuse Toller's actions? He killed an Ogre man in cold blood, and that can't be justified.
Sandra T: I think we need to consider the circumstances, though. From what I've heard, Toller felt threatened by Gerot and acted out of self-defense.
Judge Clara Thomas: These are all valid points, but we must remember that it is our job to determine whether Tollar's actions were justified or not. We have to consider the evidence presented in court and make a decision based on the law.
Tally B: That's true, Your Honor. I just hope that we can come to a fair and just verdict.
Dale M: Agreed. We have a responsibility to the families of both Gerot and Toller to make sure justice is served.
Walter K: And we must also remember that we are not here to let emotions cloud our judgment. We must be impartial and make a decision based on the facts.
Sandra T: I understand, Your Honor. We will do our best to make a fair decision based on the evidence presented in court.
Judge Clara Thomas: Thank you, everyone. Let's reconvene after lunch and continue with the case.
Judge Clara Thomas: Good afternoon, everyone. Let's proceed with the case of Gerot Kogais' death. Mr. Whitley, you may now tell us your version of what happened that night at Tollards Bar.
Toller Whitley: Thank you, Your Honor. I was at the bar about like 1am having a drink when Gerot Kogais entered. He was clearly agitated and started yelling at everyone. He approached me and started threatening me. I tried to calm him down, but he got more aggressive. He even threw a punch at me, which I dodged. I knew I had to defend myself, so I hit him back. He fell to the ground and didn't move. I immediately called the police.
Judge Clara Thomas: Thank you for your testimony, Mr. Whitley. Mr. Jones, do you have any questions for your client?
Clarence Jones: Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Whitley, did you try to leave the bar when Mr. Kogais started threatening you?
Toller Whitley: Yes, I did. I was just minding my own business when he came up to me and started yelling.
Clarence Jones: And did you try to use any non-violent means to stop Mr. Kogais from attacking you?
Toller Whitley: I did, I tried to reason with him and calm him down, but he wouldn't listen.
Clarence Jones: Your Honor, I would like to point out that my client was acting in self-defense. He did everything in his power to avoid a physical confrontation, but he had no other option when Mr. Kogais attacked him.
Judge Clara Thomas: Thank you, Mr. Jones. Mr. Whitley, do you have anything else to add?
Toller Whitley: No, Your Honor. I just want to express my condolences to the family of Mr. Kogais. I didn't mean for things to escalate this way.
Judge Clara Thomas: Thank you. We will now adjourn for the day and continue with the case tomorrow.
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