Rw's The Corner Gas on Peoria Ave

Story Location: Alternate Earth Reality #33,884 Peoria IL

Story Category: Horror Suspense

Story Prologue: In the heart of Peoria, Illinois lies an old gas station, abandoned and forgotten. Once bustling with customers fueling up their cars and trucks, the station now sits silent and desolate, its bright red and white sign rusted and faded.

The station had been a staple in the community for decades, with generations of families stopping by to fill up their tanks and grab a quick snack or drink. But as time went on, larger chain gas stations moved in, and the old station slowly lost its customers.

Years passed, and the station remained vacant, its pumps and tanks long since removed. Weeds grew up through the cracks in the pavement, and the once-tidy store was now covered in graffiti and littered with trash.

Below will be 3 short stories about this eerie gas station an eyesore to the community for many years.

Lance & The Gas Station of Horrors

September 11th, 2000, 1pm

Lance Kother, a 33-year-old landowner from Chicago, had just purchased an abandoned gas station in Peoria, Illinois, with plans to tear it down and build a new mixed-use affordable housing project. He drove down from the city to check on the property and meet with a developer named Bryan Sammels.

As he approached the old gas station, Lance couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The gas station had been closed since 1983, and the building was in disrepair. But it was more than just the building's condition that made him uneasy. Lance had the distinct feeling that he was being watched.

He shook off the feeling and met with Bryan Sammels. The two men discussed the project, and Bryan seemed excited about the potential of the property. But as they talked, Lance couldn't help but notice a strange smell emanating from the building however he keeps it to himself.

Lance: So, what do you think, Byran? Can we turn this old gas station into something new and exciting?

Byran: Absolutely, Lance. This location is perfect for a multi-story apartment complex. We can provide affordable housing for the people of Peoria and make a tidy profit for ourselves.

Lance: That's exactly what I was thinking. Let's make it happen.

Suddenly, a cold gust of wind blows through them, and the temperature drops. They both feel uneasy, sensing something strange is happening.

Byran: Did you feel that, Lance?

Lance: Yeah, I did. What was that?

Byran: I'm not sure, but something doesn't feel right.

As they turn to leave, a dark shadowy figure materializes in front of them. It slowly moves towards them, making them freeze in fear.

Lance: What the hell is that?

Byran: I don't know, but we need to get out of here.

The shadowy figure continues to approach them, and they both start to back away, inching towards the street. The entity suddenly disappears, leaving them both standing there, bewildered.

Lance: What just happened?

Byran: I don't know, but I think we should get out of here before anything else happens.

Lance: Agreed. Let's get back to the office and try to make sense of this.

As they leave the property, they can't help but feel a sense of unease. They both know that something strange is happening, but they can't quite put their finger on it. They decide to investigate further and try to find out what's going on before they continue with the redevelopment plans.

Tommy's Encounter on St Patrick's Day

Tommy Winslow was a 22-year-old bartender at Nathan's Bar in downtown Peoria, IL. St. Patrick's Day in 1996 was a busy night, but Tommy had managed to finish his shift and was on his way home around midnight. As he walked past an abandoned gas station, something spooky happened.

A car appeared out of nowhere, seemingly from the 1940s, and pulled into the gas station. Tommy watched in awe as the car door opened and closed, but no one stepped out of the car. The ghost car was silent, and its windows were tinted, so Tommy couldn't see inside.

Tommy's heart raced as he tried to make sense of what he had just witnessed. He knew he had to investigate, despite his fear. As he approached the car, he heard an eerie voice whisper his name. He froze, but then the voice spoke again, calling him closer.

Tommy's curiosity got the best of him, and he inched closer to the car. Suddenly, the car door swung open, and Tommy felt a force pulling him inside. He tried to resist, but it was too late.

The inside of the car was dark and musty, and the seats were worn and torn. Tommy looked around, trying to find a way out, but the door had locked behind him. He was trapped.

Suddenly, the car started moving, but it didn't feel like it was on the road. It felt like it was floating. Tommy looked out the window and saw that they were no longer in downtown Peoria, but in the middle of a dark forest.

Tommy felt a cold chill run down his spine as the car came to a sudden stop. He looked out the window again and saw a figure standing in the distance. It was a woman in a white dress, but her face was covered in shadow.

The woman started walking towards the car, and Tommy tried to open the door, but it was still locked. The woman reached the car, and her face became clear. It was the ghost of a woman who had died in a car crash in the 1940s.

Tommy screamed as the woman reached out and touched his face. He felt a coldness spread through his body, and he knew he was trapped in the ghost car forever or so he thought.

Suddenly his guardian angel named Gabriel came to his rescue and transported him back to his house in downtown Peoria. Ever since that day Tommy decided to walk a different way back home whenever he got off work at the bar. Moral of the story Tommy learned not to get his curiosity the best of him and not investigate things that go bump in the night.

Allen's between Life & Death Experience

Downtown Peoria IL October 31, 1980, A Halloween Tale

Allen James, a 38-year-old doctor, had just finished his shift at St Andrews Hospital in downtown. He was feeling tired but relieved that he had managed to save a few lives that day. As he drove out of the hospital parking lot, he decided to stop by a small gas station to fill up his car and grab some snacks for the long drive home.

Geoff Hankerson, a gas station clerk, greeted Allen with a smile as he walked into the store. "Good evening, sir. What can I get for you?"

"I just need to fill up my car and grab some snacks," Allen replied.

As he walked around the store, Allen suddenly heard the sound of breaking glass and raised voices. He turned to see a man, Jamie Marlon, holding a gun to Geoff's head, demanding money.

"Give me all the cash in the register!" Jamie yelled. "And give me your phone too!"

Geoff quickly complied, handing over the cash and his phone. But Jamie wasn't satisfied. He turned his gun on Allen, demanding that he hand over his wallet and keys.

"Please, don't hurt me," Allen pleaded, holding up his hands in surrender. "I'm just a doctor trying to get home."

Jamie wasn't interested in Allen's excuses. He snatched the wallet and keys from Allen's hands, then fired a shot that hit Allen in the chest.

Allen fell to the ground, gasping for breath. Jamie ran out of the store, disappearing into the night.

Geoff was in a state of shock, not sure what to do. He grabbed the phone and dialed 911, then ran to Allen's side.

"Are you okay?" Geoff asked, his voice shaking.

Allen could feel his life slipping away. "No," he gasped. "I need to get to the hospital."

Geoff helped Allen into his car, then climbed into the passenger seat and directed Allen to St Andrews Hospital, where he worked.

As they drove through the dark streets, Allen felt his strength fading. "Please, hurry," he whispered.

Geoff pressed down hard on the gas pedal, swerving past other cars and ignoring traffic lights. They arrived at the hospital in record time, screeching to a halt in front of the emergency entrance.

Doctors and nurses rushed out to meet them, wheeling Allen into the operating room. A miracle took place that tragic yet ironic Halloween night with their best efforts, they were able to save him.

Geoff stood outside the operating room, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't believe that he had witnessed such a senseless act of violence on Halloween of all nights.

Geoff enters Allen's hospital room. Geoff: "Hey man, how are you feeling?" Allen: "I'm still alive, that's something, I guess."

Geoff: "I can't believe what happened tonight. I'm so sorry, man. If there was anything I could have done to stop that guy..."

Allen: "Don't worry about it, Geoff. It's not your fault. You saved my life by bringing me here."

Geoff: "Yeah, but it shouldn't have happened in the first place. On the other hand, I mean, its Halloween night, and as a gas station clerk. These types of situations are known to take place at times the world is a scary place you know Allen.

Allen: "Ironic, isn't it? I work at this hospital, and I end up being a patient on Halloween night."

Geoff: "Yeah, it is. So, about that guy? The one who shot you?" I think heard a news story on TV about a similar robbery incident in south Peoria involving that guy although I am not entirely sure it was him.

Allen: It sucks, I wasn't able get a good look at him. He was wearing a black mask, and it all happened so fast. I hope the police investigate this incident well after I file a report of course, though. Hopefully, they'll catch him soon."

Geoff: "I hope so too. I feel like I should do something to help. Maybe I could put up some posters around the neighborhood or something."

Allen: "That's a good idea, Geoff. Anything helps. You're a good guy, you know that?"

Geoff: "Thanks, man. I just wish I could have done more."

Allen: "You did everything you could, Geoff. You saved my life, and for that, I'm grateful."

Geoff: "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm just glad you're going to be okay."

Allen: "Me too, Geoff. Me too." The end

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Rw's Rndm Lfe (Regboi31)

Rw's Random Life 37-year-old Photographer Spiritualist Content Creator World Traveler New Content Every Monday Through Thursday Stay Tuned Folks.