Rw's Ghost & the Master pt 1


James "Ghost" St. Patrick opens Truth nightclub, hoping its success will let him leave his life as a NYC drug kingpin. But a run-in with a past love and a drug-related attack threaten him.

Story Category: Fanfiction, Crime, Drama


The story episode starts with James "Ghost" St. Patrick getting ready to open up "Truth" Nightclub. James pulls up with his wife, Tasha St. Patrick, to enter the club absolutely filled to the brim with people. James makes rounds in the club, where his partner tells him that it's the best nightclub opening ever.

Story Location: Alternate Earth Reality #22,833 Truth Nightclub NY

As James goes downstairs, his driver tells him that they "need him downstairs". The scene switches to a garage where Thomas Egan is interrogating Miguel Alvarez about where the money is.

The Truth nightclub NYC 8pm Act 1

James and Tasha stepped out of their car and walked towards the entrance of Truth Nightclub. The sound of music and chatter grew louder as they approached the door.

"Looks like it's going to be a good night," James said, smiling at Tasha. "Of course, it is, it's your club," Tasha replied, giving him a playful nudge.

As they entered the club, James was pleased to see that it was packed with people. The dance floor was already full, and the bar was three deep with customers.

He made his way through the crowd, greeting people and checking in with his staff. His partner, Tommy, caught his attention and motioned for him to come over.

"Ghost, this is the best nightclub opening ever," Tommy said, grinning from ear to ear. "We're going to make a killing tonight." James nodded, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction. "I knew we had something special here," he said.

Tasha came up beside him, looking around in amazement. "I can't believe how many people are here," she said. "You've really outdone yourself, Ghost."

James smiled at her, feeling a surge of affection. "I couldn't have done it without you," he said, taking her hand. "You're my rock, Tasha." Tasha smiled back at him, her eyes shining. "I'll always be here for you, Ghost. No matter what."

James felt a sense of gratitude and love for his wife. He knew that he couldn't have achieved this level of success without her support and encouragement.

The Master sat at the bar of the Truth nightclub, sipping a martini as he surveyed the crowd. He had heard of this place, of course - it was one of the hottest spots in New York City, and James "Ghost" St. Patrick was a name that was on everyone's lips.

He had to admit, he was impressed. The club was sleek and modern, with a pulsing beat that seemed to reverberate through his bones. And James himself was a force to be reckoned with - tall, handsome, and with an air of confidence that was almost palpable.

The Master had come here for a reason, of course. He had heard that James was looking to expand his empire, and he knew that he could offer something that no one else could - access to alien technology and knowledge that would give James an edge in the cutthroat world of the illegal drug industry.

He waited until James was alone at the bar before making his move. "Good evening, Mr. St. Patrick," he said, his voice smooth and cultured. "May I buy you a drink?"

James looked him up and down, sizing him up. "Depends on what you want," he said, his voice low and dangerous. The Master smiled, unfazed. "I have a proposition for you," he said. "I believe that we could be of great benefit to each other."

James raised an eyebrow. "Go on."

The Master leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I have access to knowledge and technology that could give you an edge in your business. And in return, I ask only for your partnership."

James looked intrigued. "What kind of knowledge and technology?" The Master grinned. "Alien technology. Gallifreyian knowledge. Things that no one else on this planet has access to."

James considered for a moment, then nodded. "I'm listening."

The Master leaned back, taking a sip of his martini. "I propose that we join forces. You provide the muscle and the connections, and I provide the knowledge and the technology. Together, we could be unstoppable."

James looked thoughtful. "And what's in it for you?"

The Master shrugged. "I have my own reasons for wanting to be involved in the drug trade. But suffice it to say that I believe that we could both benefit greatly from this partnership." James nodded slowly. "I'm interested," he said. "But I need to know more about what you're offering."

The Master smiled. "Of course. I have a few things to show you. But first, let's finish our drinks. We have much to discuss."

Title: The Missing Heist

Fade in: INT. JAMES' OFFICE - DAY Act 3

James St. Patrick, a notorious crime boss, is sitting at his desk when his driver enters the room. DRIVER: "We need you downstairs, sir." JAMES: "What's going on?"

DRIVER: "There's been a problem with the heist." James stands up and follows the driver out of the room.


Thomas Egan, James' right-hand man, is interrogating Miguel Alvarez, a member of their crew.

THOMAS: "Where's the money, Miguel? We know you took it." MIGUEL: "I didn't take anything. I swear." THOMAS: "Don't lie to me. We have evidence that you were involved in the heist."

MIGUEL: "I was just following orders. I didn't take any money." THOMAS: "Whose orders?" MIGUEL: "I can't say. They'll kill me."

THOMAS: "You're already dead if you don't tell us." Miguel looks around the room, realizing that he's in trouble. MIGUEL: "Okay, okay. It was Carlos. He planned the whole thing."

THOMAS: "Where is Carlos now?" MIGUEL: "I don't know. He disappeared after the heist." THOMAS: "You're going to help us find him."

MIGUEL: "I can't. He's dangerous." THOMAS: "You're going to do it, or we'll make sure you never see the light of day again."

Miguel nods, knowing that he has no choice.


James is on the phone, talking to one of his contacts.

JAMES: "I need you to find Carlos. He's got something that belongs to me." James hangs up the phone and turns to Thomas. JAMES: "What's going on?"

THOMAS: "We found out who planned the heist. It was Carlos."

JAMES: "Carlos? I thought he was loyal to us." THOMAS: "Apparently not. Miguel says he planned the whole thing and disappeared with the money." JAMES: "We need to find him before he disappears for good."

THOMAS: "I've got a team on it. We'll find him." James nods, knowing that Thomas is the best man for the job.


James and Thomas are standing outside an abandoned warehouse, waiting for Carlos to arrive. THOMAS: "He should be here any minute."

JAMES: "Be careful. He's dangerous." THOMAS: "I know. I've dealt with guys like him before." Suddenly, a car pulls up, and Carlos steps out.

CARLOS: "What do you want?" JAMES: "We want the money, Carlos."

CARLOS: "I don't have it anymore. I spent it all." JAMES: "That's not good enough. You're going to pay for what you did." Carlos reaches for his gun, but Thomas is quicker. He shoots Carlos, and he falls to the ground, dead.

JAMES: "Let's get out of here." Thomas and James leave the scene, knowing that they've taken care of the problem.


James is counting the money from the heist, making sure that everything is there. JAMES: "Looks like we got it all back." THOMAS: "Good. We can't afford to lose that kind of money."

JAMES: "Thanks for taking care of it, Thomas. You always come through for me." THOMAS: "That's what I'm here for." James smiles, knowing that he has the best team in the business.


Tommy & his Flying Upgraded Blue Mustang Act 4

Tommy is working on his Blue Ford Mustang when the Master appears and asks Tommy about his car. The Master then offers to upgrade Tommy's car using Gallifreyan technology to enable the car to fly using anti gravity, advanced hull platting to prevent against car accidents and weapons installed into the car.

The Master then summons his version of a Tardis a Gallifreyan time machine. Tommy is shocked by the alien time machine then the Master instructs Tommy to drive his car into the time machine to install the upgrades. Afterwards The Master takes Tommy to his business partner James St Patrick house to show off his upgraded Blue Ford Mustang.

The Master: Hello there! Nice car you've got here. Tommy: Oh, thanks! It's my Blue Ford Mustang. I'm just working on it a bit.

The Master: I see that. I couldn't help but notice that you've got some skill under the hood. Say, have you ever considered adding a few upgrades to this beauty?

Tommy: Upgrades? Like what?

The Master: Oh, nothing too crazy. Just a few enhancements to make it fly using anti-gravity technology, advanced hull plating to protect against accidents, and maybe a few weapons to keep you safe on the road.

Tommy: Wait, what? You can do that?

The Master: Of course, I can! I'm a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, and I've got access to some pretty advanced technology.

Tommy: That's insane! But how would we do it?

The Master: Well, I have my own version of a Tardis, which is a time machine. We can drive your car right into it, and I can install all the upgrades in no time at all.

Tommy: I don't know, man. This all sounds a bit too crazy for me. The Master: Come on, Tommy. Trust me. You won't regret it. Plus, think of all the cool things you can do with a flying car. Tommy: Alright, I'll do it.

The Master: Excellent! Follow me.

[The Master leads Tommy to his Tardis]

The Master: Alright, Tommy, drive your car right in here.

[Tommy drives his car into the Tardis, and The Master begins installing the upgrades]

The Master: There we go. All done! Tommy: Wow, this is incredible! It looks like a completely different car. James needs to see this. So unreal.

The Master: Indeed, it is. And now, I'm going to take you to see your business partner, James St Patrick. He's going to be very impressed with your upgraded Mustang.

[Tommy and The Master drive off in the Mustang, and arrive at James St Patrick's house]

James St Patrick: Well, well, well, what have we here? A Blue Ford Mustang? That's quite the upgrade. The Master: Yes, it is. And all thanks to my Gallifreyan technology.

James St Patrick: I have to say, I'm impressed. This is quite the machine you've got here, Tommy. Tommy: Thank you! I never would have thought something like this was possible.

The Master: Well, anything is possible with the right technology. And now, Tommy, let's take this baby for a spin. The End

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Rw's Rndm Lfe (Regboi31)

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Rw's Rndm Lfe (Regboi31)

Rw's Random Life 37-year-old Photographer Spiritualist Content Creator World Traveler New Content Every Monday Through Thursday Stay Tuned Folks.