Rw's Mortal Multiverse Kombat Tournament Ch 5

Story Location: Alternate Earth Realm Reality #66.223

Story Category: Fantasy, Action, Science Fiction,

Disclaimer: The contents featured in this story series are not my own property plus it's not cannon to any existing contents thanks.

The Sailor Guardians Arrive Act 1

The 8th, Doctor who has aided the Sailor Guardians against Queen Beryl and her Dark Kingdom minions on multiple occasions rushes to meet with them and talk about them competing in the tournament as Team Sailor Starlites.

Tuxedo Mask: "It's great to see you again, Doctor! We could really use your help in the upcoming tournament."

Sailor Moon: "Yeah! We're really excited to compete, but we could use some advice on how to win." 8th Doctor: "Well, I'm glad to see you're all in good spirits. I think you have a real chance at winning this thing."

Sailor Mercury: "But how do we prepare for such a competition? We don't know anything about Mortal Kombat!" 8th Doctor: "Don't worry, I'll give you a crash course on Mortal Kombat. But before we do that, let's talk about your team. Have you decided on a name yet?"

Sailor Mars: "We were thinking of going with Team Sailor Starlites."

Tuxedo Mask: "I like it. It's catchy and it fits our style."

8th Doctor: "Agreed. Now, let's talk strategy. Mortal Kombat is a tournament of champions, so you need to be prepared for anything. Each opponent will have their own unique fighting style, so you need to be able to adapt quickly."

Sailor Venus: "But how do we know what to expect?"

8th Doctor: "That's where I come in. I've studied the Mortal Kombat universe extensively, and I can give you a rundown of each of your opponents' strengths and weaknesses." Sailor Jupiter: "That would be amazing! Thank you, Doctor."

Tuxedo Mask: "But what about our own strengths and weaknesses? We need to know where we stand."

8th Doctor: "You're all incredibly talented fighters, but you each have your own unique styles. We need to find a way to use those styles to complement each other and work as a team."

Sailor Moon: "I get it! Like how Sailor Mercury uses her water attacks to create openings for us to attack." Sailor Mercury: "And how Sailor Jupiter's lightning attacks can stun our opponents, giving us time to strike."

Sailor Mars: "And how my fire attacks can distract our opponents and create chaos." Sailor Venus: "And my love-based attacks can inspire us and weaken our opponents."

8th Doctor: "Exactly! If we can find a way to use each of your strengths to our advantage, we'll be unstoppable." Tuxedo Mask: "I'm getting pumped up just thinking about it!"

Sailor Moon: "Me too! Let's do this, Team Sailor Starlites!"

And with that, the Sailor Guardians and the 8th Doctor continued their preparations for the Mortal Kombat Multiverse Tournament, confident that they had what it took to emerge victorious.

The Stargate SG1 Team Act 2

8th Doctor: "Hello, SG1 team. It's great to see you all again." Colonel O'Neill: "Hey, Doc! What brings you here?"

8th Doctor: "I wanted to talk to you all about the Mortal Kombat Multiverse Tournament. As a team who has traveled to different worlds and faced off against powerful adversaries, I thought you might have some insights or advice for the competitors."

Daniel Jackson: "Well, we've certainly faced our fair share of tough opponents. But I'm not sure how much help we can be when it comes to Mortal Kombat." Teal'c: "Indeed. Mortal Kombat is a competition of physical combat. We are not trained in such a way."

Carter: "But we do have experience working as a team and adapting to new situations. Maybe we can offer some advice in that regard?"

8th Doctor: "Absolutely. The key to winning the Mortal Kombat tournament is not just individual strength, but also teamwork and strategy. Each opponent will have their own unique fighting style and strengths, so you need to be able to adapt quickly."

O'Neill: "That sounds like our bread and butter. We've faced some pretty tough adversaries in the past, and we've always found a way to work together and come out on top."

Daniel: "But how do we prepare for something like this? We don't even know who we'll be facing."

8th Doctor: "That's where I come in. I've done some research on the Mortal Kombat universe, and I can give you a rundown of each of the competitors' strengths and weaknesses. I can also help you come up with a game plan based on your own unique strengths and abilities."

Teal'c: "I am intrigued. Tell us more."

8th Doctor: "Well, for example, Carter's expertise in science and technology could give you an edge in battles that require strategy or analysis. O'Neill's combat experience and leadership skills could be invaluable in high-pressure situations. And Daniel's expertise in ancient languages and cultures could help you uncover weaknesses or vulnerabilities in your opponents."

Carter: "That's a good point. We each have our own unique skills and experiences that we can bring to the table."

O'Neill: "Alright, let's do this! We may not be competing, but we can still help Team Earth in any way we can." Teal'c: "Indeed. Our battle prowess may not be suited for Mortal Kombat, but our intellect and teamwork can still be an asset."

Daniel: "Let's show them what the SG1 team is made of

The Addams Family & their Kooky Commentary Act 3

The 8th, Doctor spots the Addams Family who have arrived through a portal to be spectators for the tournament. The 8th, Doctor remembers when they have invited him to a Grand Halloween Party about 3 years ago. He talks with them about the Tournament and who are they rooting for to win the prize of 3 wishes.

As he wanders around the tournament arena, taking in the sights and sounds of the various worlds or realms represented there. Suddenly, he spotted a familiar group of people.

"Ah, the Addams Family! It's good to see you all again," he exclaimed, approaching them with a smile. "Doctor! How lovely to see you," Morticia Addams replied, gracefully stepping forward to greet him with a kiss on the cheek.

Gomez Addams beamed at the sight of the Doctor. "Ah, my dear friend, it's been too long! I hope you'll stay and watch the tournament with us."

The Doctor nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! Who are you all rooting for to win the prize of 3 wishes?" "Well, we're not ones to pick favorites, Doctor," Morticia said with a sly grin. "But we do have a soft spot for Scorpion."

"Scorpion?" the Doctor repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Interesting choice. Any particular reason why?"

"His backstory is quite tragic, and he's certainly got a unique fighting style," Morticia explained. The Doctor nodded in agreement. "Yes, I've read up on his history. But what about the other contenders? Have you considered any of them?"

Lurch, the Addams Family's loyal butler, spoke up for the first time. "I believe Goro is a formidable opponent, Doctor. He has four arms, after all." Gomez chuckled. "Yes, but he lacks the finesse of Scorpion or the cunning of Shang Tsung."

The Doctor couldn't help but grin at the Addams Family's eccentric tastes. "Well, I suppose everyone has their favorites. It'll be interesting to see who comes out on top."

As the conversation continued, the Doctor couldn't help but feel grateful for the Addams Family's warm welcome. It was always a pleasure to be in their company, especially during such a thrilling event as the Mortal Kombat Multiverse Tournament.

Batman & the Justice League Act 4

After talking with the Addams Family, the Doctor stumbled upon the Justice League. He greeted them with a smile and struck up a conversation.

Doctor: Good afternoon, Justice League. What brings you all here?

Wonder Woman: We're here for the Mortal Kombat Multiverse Tournament. We're representing Earth in the fight against other universes.

Superman: It's a great opportunity to showcase our powers and skills and test ourselves against the best fighters in the multiverse. Batman: (gruffly) And to protect our planet from any threats that may come our way. The Joker: (cackling) Speaking of threats, it's been a while since I've seen Batsy here.

Batman: (narrows his eyes) Joker, I thought I'd seen the last of you.

The Joker: (grinning) Oh, don't be like that I have not seen you in a while, Batsy. Batman: I've been training too, you know. I've been on a dark planet populated by bat-like beings, and I've picked up a few tricks.

Wonder Woman: (raises an eyebrow) That sounds... interesting. Superman: (smiling) So, Batman, what tricks have you learned?

Batman: (grinning wide) Oh, nothing too special. Just some new fighting moves, some batlike dark techniques, and more. Joker: While you have been gone out of my sight I have been coming up with some killer jokes. Doctor: (intrigued) New jokes? Do tell. The Joker: (chuckles) Well, I can't spoil all my surprises, now, can I? But let's just say that I've got some material to die for he smirks.

Batman: (smirks) We'll see about that.

Doctor: (smiling) Speaking of surprises, Batman, I hear you've been training with the god of destruction Beerus and the blue-skinned angel Whis. Batman: (nodding) Yes, that's correct. I've learned to manipulate Ki energy, fly on my own, shoot black-colored ki blasts, and raise my power level.

Wonder Woman: (impressed) That's incredible. Why didn't you tell us earlier?

Batman: (shrugs) It wasn't important until now. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Superman: (grinning) Well, let's see what you can do. How about we spar before the main tournament?

Batman: (nodding) Sure thing. I could use the practice. The Joker: (laughing) Oh, this is going to be good. I can't wait to see what you've got, Batsy.

And with that, the group headed off to a nearby training area to watch Batman and the Joker go head-to-head in a sparring match, with the rest of the Justice League and the 8th Doctor watching on with anticipation.

Batman Vs the Joker Vs Superman

The story scene opens with Batman, the Joker, and Superman standing in the middle of a large open desolate land, surrounded by towering walls made of jagged rocks. The trio is dressed in their iconic costumes, ready to engage in a practice match before the Mortal Kombat Multiverse Tournament in the Null Void Zone. The 8th Doctor and the Justice League watch from the sidelines, eagerly anticipating the upcoming battle.

Superman: "Alright guys, let's make this a good one. I don't want to get caught off guard by any surprises in the tournament."

Batman: "Agreed. We need to be at the top of our game if we want to stand a chance against the best fighters in the multiverse."

Joker: "Ha! You two are so serious. Where's the fun in that? Let's just wing it and see what happens!"

With that, the Joker launches himself at Batman, his fists flying in a flurry of punches. Batman manages to dodge most of them, but the Joker lands a few solid blows to his ribs. Superman flies up into the air, preparing to unleash a blast of heat vision at the Joker.

Superman: "Watch out, Batman! I'm going to fry this clown!"

But before Superman can fire, the Joker whips out a small gadget from his pocket and throws it at the Man of Steel. The gadget explodes in a shower of sparks, temporarily blinding Superman and sending him crashing to the ground.

Batman takes advantage of the distraction and charges at the Joker, his fists glowing with black ki energy. He unleashes a flurry of punches, each one hitting with the force of a freight train. The Joker staggers backwards but manages to dodge the final blow.

Joker: "Wow, Batsy. You've been hitting the gym. I didn't know you had it in you."

Batman: "I've been training on some dark planet with bat-like beings. They taught me a few things about ki energy manipulation, and advanced batlike abilities."

Superman gets back on his feet, his eyes still a bit blurry from the Joker's gadget. He flies towards the two combatants, ready to lend a hand.

Superman: "Alright, time to end this. Let's take him down together."

The trio charges at the Joker, each one unleashing their most powerful attacks. The Joker manages to dodge most of them, but eventually falls to the ground, defeated.

Joker: "Ha! You got me. Good one, guys."

Batman: "That was just a warm-up. We need to be ready for whatever the tournament throws at us."

The scene fades to black as the 8th Doctor and the Justice League clap and cheer for their heroes. The Mortal Kombat Multiverse Tournament awaits, and they are ready to fight for their lives.

Team League of the Flame Strategizes Act 5

The League of the Flame members gather together in a secluded room, with a large map of the Null Void Zone spread out on the table in front of them. Scorpion, Human Flame, Ghost Rider, The Human Torch, Starfire, The Martian Manhunter, and General Zod all stand around the table, deep in discussion.

Scorpion: "We need to focus on our strengths if we want to succeed in this tournament. My spear and Hellfire attacks can be deadly if used properly."

Human Flame: "I agree. My fire powers can also be a great asset in battle. We need to coordinate our attacks and work together as a team."

Ghost Rider: "Don't forget about my Penance Stare. It can take down even the strongest opponents, but it requires me to get close enough to use it." The Human Torch: "My Nova Flame attacks can also pack a punch, but I need to be careful not to overdo it and exhaust myself too quickly."

Starfire: "I can use my Tamaranean abilities to fly and shoot energy blasts, but my strength is not in close combat. We need to plan accordingly."

The Martian Manhunter: "As a shapeshifter, I can adapt to any situation and blend in with our opponents. I can also use my telepathy to gain valuable information." General Zod: "I may not have any superpowers, but my combat training and military tactics can give us an edge. We need to use every advantage we have."

Scorpion: "Agreed. But we also need to be prepared for the unexpected. Our opponents will be from different universes and have unique abilities we may not be familiar with."

Human Flame: "That's why we need to be flexible and adapt on the fly. We can't be caught off guard by any surprises. "Ghost Rider: "And we need to stay focused on our ultimate goal: to win the tournament and save our respective universes from destruction."

The Human Torch: "Let's do this, guys. We can't let Raiden down."

The team nods in agreement and puts their hands in the center of the table, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead in the Mortal Multiverse Kombat Tournament.

Team Beastly Saints Strategizes their Plan Act 6

Suzaku: Alright, team. We only have a few hours left before the tournament starts. Let's go over our strategies one more time.

Seiryu: I suggest that we divide ourselves into two groups. Byakko and Genbu, you two will be our front line. Your goal is to keep the opponents at bay and create openings for us to strike. Byakko: Got it. I'll make sure to use my agility to my advantage.

Genbu: And I'll use my strength to push them back.

Suzaku: Yomi and Mukuro, you two will be our support. Your job is to analyze the opponent's moves and provide us with intel on how to defeat them.

Yomi: Understood. I'll make sure to keep a close eye on our opponents.

Mukuro: And I'll use my knowledge of martial arts to predict their moves and counter them. Seiryu: And I'll be the one to lead our team. I'll make sure that we're all coordinated and that we stick to our plan.

Suzaku: Excellent. Remember, our goal is to win this tournament and become the champions of the multiverse. Let's show them what the Beastly Saints are made of!

Byakko: Yeah! Let's do this! Genbu: We won't let you down, Suzaku. Yomi: I'm ready for anything.

Mukuro: And so am I. Let's give it our all!

Team Hakusho's Plan of Strategy Act 8

Yusuke: Alright guys, we're up against some tough competition in this tournament. We need to be ready for anything.

Kuwabara: Yeah, we can't let our guard down for a second. But we've got this, we're the best team out there! Hiei: Don't get too confident, Kuwabara. We need to approach this with caution.

Kurama: I agree. We need to analyze our opponents and come up with a plan that will work against each of them. Masked Fighter: And we need to be prepared for any surprises they might throw at us. We can't afford to be caught off guard.

Toguro: Agreed. We need to make sure we're all on the same page and working together as a team.

Sensui: And we need to be ruthless. This is a tournament to the death, after all. Yusuke: Yeah, we can't hold back. But we also can't lose sight of our objective. We're not here to win just for ourselves, but for the safety of the multiverse.

Kuwabara: Right! We need to keep that in mind and fight with everything we've got. Hiei: And we need to stick to our strengths. We each have unique abilities that can be used to our advantage.

Kurama: I'll use my plants to create distractions and trap our opponents. Masked Fighter: And I'll use my speed and agility to evade attacks and strike from unexpected angles.

Toguro: I'll use my strength to overpower our opponents and break through their defenses.

Sensui: And I'll use my psychic abilities to anticipate their moves and stay one step ahead. Yusuke: Alright, let's do this! Team Hakusho, let's show them what we're made of! To be continued

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Rw's Rndm Lfe (Regboi31)

Rw's Random Life 37-year-old Photographer Spiritualist Content Creator World Traveler New Content Every Monday Through Thursday Stay Tuned Folks.